Causes of puppy diarrhea and how you can help a puppy with an upset tummy
Many puppies experience diarrhea due to their immature digestive and immune system. Here's everything you need to know.
Cleft palate in dogs – symptoms, treatment, and prevention
Cleft palate in puppies is a relatively common defect, where the roof of the mouth doesn't close during embryonic development in the womb. What are the symptoms, treatment and possible prevention?
Bladder stones in dogs – everything you need to know to help your pup
Almost 20% of urinary diseases are diagnosed as “urolithiasis” - the formation of crystals and stones in kidneys, bladder, or anywhere in the urinary tract. So what are the causes, symptoms, and treatment of kidney and bladder stones in dogs?
How to know your cat is suffering: 25 most common signs of pain in cats
Cats are very good at masking pain. Recognizing when a cat is suffering is actually quite difficult except in the most extreme cases.
How to know when it’s time to put your pet down
I know that unless an animal is clearly suffering from a painful condition, it can be hard to recognize those “it’s time” signs. There are a few points to consider and I hope this will help you make your decision.
Urinary tract infection in dogs – how to help a pup with bladder problems
Around 25% of dogs will develop a urinary tract infection at some point in their lives, most of those being caused by bacteria. If you ever had a bladder inflammation, you know how uncomfortable and painful it can be.
What happens when you feed your dog only meat
There is a popular belief that dogs should eat meat-only diets, but is that actually true? What really happens when you feed your dog only (raw) meat?
How much does having a dog cost – common dog expenses
Having a pet will cost you money. There’s no way around it. When you think about it, it’s pretty obvious, yet people tend to forget to take it into consideration.
5 things to think about before you get a dog
Before you get a dog, there are a few points I’d like you to think about. It’s not what breed you should get or if you should buy a puppy or find a shelter dog. That all comes later.
Kidney disease in cats and dogs – everything you need to know
Kidney disease is actually relatively common, especially in senior age. So what are the signs of kidney disease in cats and dogs and what can be done for a pet with kidney problems?